Re: FVWM: Bug in resize

From: John Henders <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 17:09:12 -0700 (PDT)

holder> Should I be able to specify both percentage of window, and
holder> pixel width in the same resize command?

makes the same effect. But I think '%' character is the best character
to specify 'this number is the percentage of display width/height' :-)

As YAFS, does anyone else wish that you could specify lines and columns
for windows with text in them? I know fvwm must know the difference
because it reports the numbers differently when you resize by hand. I'd
like to be able to set a button to toggle between a 24 line and 48 line
window without having to try to guess how many pixels that is.

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Received on Fri Oct 06 1995 - 20:02:59 BST

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