Re: FVWM: WindowShades & a bug.

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 16:31:30 -0400

>>>>> "Elan" == Elan Feingold <> writes:

Elan> Liem Bahneman writes:
>> A long while ago (1.* days) I suggested this feature, but I forget how
>> the response was. It's a *cough* mac System 7.5 feature that I thought
>> was really neat, instead of iconfiying the window, you just hide the
>> window but leave the titlebar, like a, well, Window Shade.

Elan> I like this idea!

Elan> A quick bug report: The titles in the title bars of the windows
Elan> do not change ever. For example, XEmacs prints in the title the
Elan> name of the buffer you are editing. This doesn't change, unless
Elan> you restart fvwm.

You must be using pl34. Pick up pl37, available shortly.

Elan> P.S. Here's a picture of my hacked up fvwm -- I want to
Elan> generalize the patches and submit them -- in my .fvwmrc I have:

Elan> ButtonStyle 2 Pixmap Normal:obm_close_95 Pressed:obm_closed_95
Elan> ButtonStyle 4 Pixmap Normal:obm_zoom_95 Pressed:obm_zoomd_95 Active:maxwin95.xpm
Elan> ButtonStyle 6 Pixmap Normal:obm_reduce_95 Pressed:obm_reduced_95
Elan> ButtonStyle 1 Pixmap Normal:win95.xpm

I like the idea of the Pixmaps for buttons, but Xpm's (and general
look) you picked kinda scare me...

Will your patches use a TitleStyle type setup that would control
justification, font, and Raised/Flat/Sunk (border) type things?


Charles K. Hines
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
and Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

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