FVWM: fvwm 2.0 pl36 - bug and patch

From: Kevin Scott <scottkj_at_prl.philips.co.uk>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 1995 15:45:00 +0100

I have discovered a bug in fvwm 2.0 pl36 - previously notified to Chuck,
but now I have tracked it down and corrected it.

The symptoms are that closing certain windows causes fvwm to crash - on
Solaris 2.4 it dies, on Linux 1.3/XFree 3.1.1 it goes into a cpu-munching
loop. The easiest way to demonstrate the bug is to use the Rlogin
module, described in the FvwmForm manual page - on pressing the Login or
Cancel buttons, or attempting to close the window from the frame, fvwm

I'm not sure quite what types of windows cause the trouble, but most of the
"normal" ones, such as xterms, emacs, etc, work fine - hence it slipping through
the net, I presume.

The problem seems to be related to the NoClass change (whatever that is!);
the following patch fixes it:

diff fvwm/add_window.c fvwm/add_window.c_orig
< #if 1
> #if 0
< #if 0
> #if 1
diff fvwm/misc.c fvwm/misc.c_orig 
< #if 1
> #if 0
Kevin Scott
Philips Research Laboratories
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Received on Fri Oct 06 1995 - 09:44:45 BST

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