FVWM: Title bars

From: Mr. Graeme McCaffery <mccaffer_at_eee.bham.ac.uk>
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 95 12:44:15 BST

I've just had a look at xcuckoo, and I think it would be a great idea if
fvwm could swallow applications in its title bars, and generally allow
more formatting of the title bars.
For instance, you could have formatting of the title, left, centred and
right justified. I currently use 2 Fvwmbutton modules and I think that
if the title button could do more, then I could get rid of one of them.
Perhaps the title bar could be controled by a module, however I am not
an experienced X programmer, so I don't have a clue as to how do this.

Does anyone else think that this would be a good idea?

Also I think that the quit option should allow a yes/no choice. I've
used Quitverify for a while now(FvwmForm module) but it seems painfully
slow. I've seen olwm logout and it it about 10 to 20 times faster than
Fvwm's as it is almost instantanious. I reckon that the quit proceedure
is too important to be put in a module and so it should be in the main
code, perhaps as an option to the quit command.

Does anyone have opinions about this?


>From Mr. G. McCaffery 
email: G.McCaffery_at_bham.ac.uk
snail mail: University of Birmingham
	    School of Electrical &
            Electronic Engineering
	    B15 2TT
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