Re: FVWM: pre 2.0 pl 36 : destroying modules. Linux, XFree 3.1.2

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Wed, 4 Oct 1995 10:07:01 -0400

>>>>> "Karl" == Karl Eichwalder <ke_at_ke.Central.DE> writes:

Karl> %n fvwm
Karl> %v pre-2.0-patchlevel-36
Karl> %c GCC 2.6.3, GNU Emacs 19.29
Karl> %l kernel >= 1.2.13, libc 4.6.27, XFree 3.1.2

Karl> Destroying modules makes the X display hang.

Karl> No customization, vanilla system.fvwmrc. I discovered this
Karl> behaviour while I loading a second ButtonBar via the Popup-Menu.

Karl> To reproduce the bug: choose "Destroy" from the menu and click
Karl> on the ButtonBar. fvwm wipes the ButtonPictures away but leave
Karl> a somehow red background. Now no input via mouse or keyboard
Karl> isn't possible.

Karl> It also hangs, if I try the Banner module; when the Banner
Karl> thinks it's time to disappear, it freezes the display.

Actually I had already put a note about this in the pl36 BUGS file.
Destroy should NEVER be used to close an application unless Close
doesn't work. From the fvwm man page:

               Destroys an application window, which usually causes
               the application to crash and burn.

This is because it uses a very brute force method for closing the
window. It should especially not be used on the Buttons module, since
then the Buttons module cannot close it's swallowed windows correctly.
Pl 36 has fixes so FvwmButtons kills it's swallowed children more
cleanly more often now, but I haven't found a way to catch the Destroy
action yet.

I was thinking about modifying Destroy to try a Close action first,
and then the more brute force method if that didn't work. Perhaps
I'll investigate this a little more...


Charles K. Hines
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
and Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

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