FVWM: Restart doesn't work if there are command line options

From: Eric Ding <ericding_at_san-jose.ate.slb.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 95 13:50:20 PDT


I'm not sure there's an elegant solution, but I'll at least point out the
"problem" =b... if I start fvwm with some options, for instance

        fvwm -f "FvwmM4 .fvwm2rc"

then fvwm starts up fine. But if I want to (for whatever crazy reason)
switch to another window manager, I usually put

        Restart twm

in my window manager and bind it to a menu item, for instance. When I
select the function, though, I get:

twm: unable to open twmrc file FvwmM4 .fvwm2rc, using /usr/X11R5/sun4/lib/X11/twm/system.twmrc instead

which of course is a "bad thing." Perhaps line options should only be
passed to the restarted window manager if its executable name is the same
as the one under which the original window manager is started or something?

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