Re: FVWM: my wish list

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Mon, 25 Sep 1995 14:12:11 -0400

>>>>> "Scott" == Scott RoLanD <> writes:

Scott> NOte, I am willing to believe that the following might show my
Scott> cluelessness. I am currently using fvwm 1.24r. If there is
Scott> someway to accomplish the following, even with just an upgrade
Scott> to the beta 2.0, please let me know.

The beta 2.0 is just about ready to be officially released, and a lot
of these things behave better or are easier to implement under it, so
you might want to upgrade. BTW - The official (non beta) 2.0 should
be ready within the next few weeks.

Scott> ***Control over the icon pixmap vs. the 'icon text' the floats under
Scott> the icon pixmap (or is the sole piece of the icon when there is no
Scott> pixmap):
Scott> I'm really picky on space, and for programs like cm the icon
Scott> pixmap is sufficient and I don't want the icon text to even
Scott> appear. For most other things, I don't want there to be any icon
Scott> pixmap, just the icon text (trying to give a small 'invisible' pixmap,
Scott> just results in the icon text being as small in width as the pixmap).

Check out the man page where it describes the 'Style' command,
specifically the 'NoIconTitle' and the 'Icon/NoIcon' parts.

Scott> ***Ability to make a key equivalent to a certain mouse click:
Scott> I've got in the habit of using the keyboard to move my mouse
Scott> pointer around, but in some cases, this is useless unless I can click.

Hhhmmm.... I don't think that there is any way to do this currently in
either 1.xx or 2.xx. Since the cursor can be moved from keystrokes
through fvwm, it seems to hold that you should be able to simulate a
button press as well... I'll look into how hard it would be to add
this feature to 2.xx.

Scott> ***Ability to use a double-click when the second click is held down:
Scott> I currently use the following setup, which allows me to click
Scott> and release to get a menu, as well as click and hold to get a menu,
Scott> but I can't double-click and hold to get the other menu.

Scott> Popup "Mouse1Popups"
Scott> Popup "Click" FVWM_control
Scott> Popup "Motion" FVWM_control
Scott> Popup "DoubleClick" screen_locks
Scott> EndFunction

I think that something like this will work in 2.xx, but I've never
tried it... Nope - a quick test shows that it doesn't work there
either. I'll take a look and see if this is a bug or working as
designed and how easily fixed/implemented.

Scott> ***Better control of moving and resizing from commands:
Scott> What I mean here are things I can link to the click of a
Scott> button, like Maximize. But I hate the way maximize set the position to
Scott> 0 0. Is there any way give a window a size or position?

This can be done in 2.xx easier, I believe.

Scott> ***Ability to change the button pixmaps
Scott> I have a feeling I just don't know what to do on this.

You mean title bar buttons? They can be redesigned via the
ButtonStyle command, but you can't specify arbitrary bitmaps or
pixmaps (yet). This might be added later.

Scott> ***Ability to set the pointer inner and outer color.
Scott> Am I missing something?

I don't think that this can be specified, currently.

Scott> ***Have a StartsOnPage like StartsOnDesk

Just use the geometry specs to do this -> just add multiples of the
screen width & height. It's the only way to do it right now.

Scott> ***Question, why do commands like iconify and delete not wait for a
Scott> window if you set them to a mouse-click in the root window? I
Scott> currently use the following, which works, but I was just curious:

Scott> Function "Iconify"
Scott> Iconify "Click"
Scott> EndFunction

Scott> Mouse 0 AT142 MS Function "Iconify"

In 2.xx, Just 'Mouse 1 R N Iconify' more or less works by iconifying
the window that you RELEASE over. I think it behaved the same in
1.xx, but I'm not sure.

Scott> That's all I can remember---

Hope I've been of assistance.


Charles K. Hines
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]
and Martial Arts Instructor [Modern Arnis, Presas Style Filipino Martial Arts]

Internet e-mail:

IBM Internal e-mail: (preferred from workstation)
                     HINESC at FISHKILL (preferred from mainframe)
                     HINESC at FSHVMFK1 (discouraged, but I'll get it)

 "dis ting could have possabiwities if I put my twisted widdle mind to it!"
                                                        - Bugs Bunny

 "I have a paper plate in my head because they were all out of the metal ones"
                                                        - Rick Overton
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