Re: FVWM: About fvwm2 pl 35

From: Charles Hines <>
Date: Fri, 22 Sep 1995 13:12:28 -0400

>>>>> "Jean-Marc" == Jean-Marc Lasgouttes <> writes:

Jean-Marc> I just installed fvwm 2pl35 (thanks chuck :-)

No problem.

Jean-Marc> and had several problems with it:


Jean-Marc> - and seem to be missing (perhaps did
Jean-Marc> I mess up things...)

Nope, I caused this... I moved them into a specific man directory
under the top level, but forgot to put that in the ChangeLog. I was
considering moving the module man pages as well, but hadn't decided if
that was a good idea or not. Anyone have an opinion on that? I could
just as easily put the man pages that I moved back where they were

Jean-Marc> - for each window that is created/deleted, FvwmIconBox
Jean-Marc> prints errors on the console like

Jean-Marc> Error in FvwmIconBox: BadDrawable (invalid Pixmap or Window parameter)
Jean-Marc> Major opcode of failed request: 66
Jean-Marc> Resource id of failed request: 0x0
Jean-Marc> In fact it seems to happen each time a window gets the focus.

Jean-Marc> - Although I have a 'Style "Fvwm*" NoIcon' line in my
Jean-Marc> .fvwmrc, an empty icon appears for it in FvwmIconBox. I
Jean-Marc> guess it is related to the "No Name" patch, but since I
Jean-Marc> do not have the man page...

I think that these FvwmIconBox problems are all related to the NoClass
changes. I think I may switch it back to actually inserting the Class
'NoClass' again like it was before (haven't decided yet) as I'm not
certain what the benefit of the change really was (have to look at it
a little closer).

I have a partial fix from Suzuki-san for FvwmIconBox that essentially
throws those names back in there. Don't know if it fixes all of those
problems though.

Jean-Marc> - It would be nice to have an option to put the man pages
Jean-Marc> somewhere else than in the default Imake location.

Good idea. I'll put it on the TO-DO list.

Jean-Marc> Other than that, things work generally well. Thanks to Rob
Jean-Marc> for things done and to Chuck for things to come...

No problem (for my part). :)


Charles K. Hines
IBM Logic Synthesis developer [BooleDozer (TM)]

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