Re: FVWM: The list has list moved!

From: Max Johnson <>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 1995 12:20:18 +0100

I'd just like to second Carl's sentiments. IMHO the FVWM digest was ideal for
keeping upto date on what was happening with FVWM without the hassle of
constant e-mails throughout the day. I too must confess I've never seen
anyone quote an entire digest to a list.

Many thanks for going to the trouble at all though.


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>>>>> "Jason" == Jason L Tibbitts <> writes:

    Jason> I have decided not to continue the digest....

FYI, Let met tell you that I couldn't agree less with your third point. I'm on
several mailing lists which I (and numerous others) receive in digest form, and
neither are they difficult to reply to, nor have I ever (in the last couple of
years) seen anyone quote an entire digest to a list. (Maybe I didn't look too
well ;-)

It's just a matter of using the right mail readers ...

Thanks for all the effort though.


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Received on Tue Sep 19 1995 - 06:15:23 BST

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