FVWM: Question related to Gimp 2.2 menus and fvwm 2.5.6

From: <fabien.villard_at_sgcib.com>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 14:39:02 +0200

      Hello all.

I used to participate a little in this forum years ago but stopped because
I had so few skills compared to fvwm dev that I couldn't help. But I still
use fvwm
daily on all my machines.

So I have a question : I use fvwm 2.5.6 (didn't succeed to switch to 2.5.12
crashes unexpectadly) and switched to Linux Debian Sarge from Woody, kernel
and the Gimp 2.2. When I tear off menus from the Gimp, they are no more
More : the menus are pinned and so are said "sticky" by fvwm.

I tried customizatons in the Gimp about "windows to windowsmanagers",got
out ewmh by recompiling fvwm without the support. played with some ewmh
all without success. I browsed the FAQs and did some googling with no
So excuse-me if I was to weird to find obvious answers before disturbing
the list.

I have the DecorateTransient param in my Gimp windows style.

All appears as if this Gimp menus were considered real menus by fvwm. But
I prefer the old way of considering them as usual transient windows that I
reduce to only title bar, very confortable with all the menus you need in
the Gimp.

In a previous version of the Gimp, I created a FvwmButton that succeded in
the menus but the result is that they are no more independant witch is
unconfortable to
maximize screen usage. How can I get this behaviour back ?


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