Re: FVWM: double click in fvwm ?

From: Julien Guertault <>
Date: Thu, 31 Mar 2005 18:23:37 +0200


> In the attempt of emulating my favourite (Motif/CDE simplified on Alpha)
> look and feel I almost succeeded to get all what I want, except for
> handling double clicks.
> - Ideally I want all windows to be decorated with a single button
> (window menu button) on the left (I have it and another button now)
> - and a title bar, a single click on the title bar with a mouse button
> (I don't care which since I usually don't remember and try each one
> in turn) shall also call the window menu (I have it)
> - double clicking on the title bar should iconize the window.
> THIS I DO NOT HAVE. I replaced it with an iconify button on the
> right, and with the use of a single click with mouse button 3
> - also I'd like to to de-iconize an icon with a double click (presently
> instead I have to use a SINGLE click)
> What I have (made mainly editing the SuSE .fvwm2rc, commenting out
> unwanted parts and a few edits) does work adequately, but still I am
> missing double clicks. I tried using Stroke but it does not work.
> How is "double click" handled ?

Is the following having the behaviour you are looking for?

AddToMenu DemoMenu "This is a menu" Nop

AddToFunc Menu-or-icon "I" Menu DemoMenu
+ "D" Iconify

AddToFunc Double-to-deiconify "D" Iconify

Mouse 0 1 A Menu DemoMenu
Mouse 0 T A Menu-or-icon
Mouse 0 I A Double-to-deiconify


Julien Guertault
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