Re: FVWM: drag & drop ...

From: Catherine Luedecker <>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 12:57:07 -0800

Thomas Adam wrote:

>On Wed, Mar 30, 2005 at 07:11:26PM +0200, Fernando Poza Saura wrote:
>>I've taking a look to this "rox" thing, and it looks nice it you want
>>drag&drop capabilities. Does anyone have experience in having rox
>>working in fvwm?, is it going to brake something if fvwm?
>Yes, I do. Depending on how you start fvwm, if your method (typically
>via startx, xdm) uses ~/.xsession, I used to have the line:
>rox -p mypinboard &
>"mypinboard" is just a name of a pinboard -- you can define as many as
>you like.
>Or, if that's not an option, add a line to your StartFunction:
>+ I Exec exec rox -p mypinboard
>Then you can start dragging stuff around. One thing I did not mention
>to you before, was the fact that there is also an Fvwm module called
>'FvwmDragWell' which can provide XDnD support, if you so wish. Haven't
>used it in ages, though.
>-- Thomas Adam
This is actually good to know. I never really understood or took the
time to understand what the rox filer pinboard option really did. I
tried it today and it is pretty darn cool.

I don't understand at all what FvwmDragWell does and how it works.

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