FVWM: drag & drop ...

From: Lars Segerlund <lars.segerlund_at_comsys.se>
Date: Wed, 30 Mar 2005 11:21:57 +0200


  I have looked a bit, but I cant find out if fvwm supports 'drag & drop' to the
 'desktop'/'root window'.
  I have looked at the spec from opendesktop.org and stuff, and there seem's to be
 somewhat of a standard for stuff like this.
  So does anybody know if thee is a way of making fvwm do this ?
 ( if not, would it be a worthwhile addition ? It doesn't seem that complicated
   fvwm already manages icons & windows and stuff .. ).

 / regards, Lars Segerlund.
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Received on Wed Mar 30 2005 - 03:23:18 BST

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