FVWM: Mail Icon on the TaskBar doesn't appear!

From: Eric Sun <eric.sunyy_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2005 23:42:42 +0800

Dear all,

I just installed the FVWM for the first time.
I've edited a simple .fvwm2rc file which satifies me.
But a small problem here:
I notice that there is a space to the right of the date & time area.
After reading the man page, it seems this space is left for a mail icon.
How can I get this icon appearing? Or, if I just don't want it, how to
remove this space.

BTW, I'm using 2.5.12. Attached below is my .fvwm2rc.

Thanks in advance!


AddToFunc InitFunction I Exec xloadimage -onroot $HOME/.fvwm/wallpaper.jpg

DeskTopSize 1x1

# Taskbar Settings #
AddToFunc StartFunction I Module FvwmTaskBar
Style "FvwmTaskBar" NoTitle, WindowListSkip, !Handles, BorderWidth 4
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmTaskBar: *
*FvwmTaskBar: Font -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*
*FvwmTaskBar: SelFont -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*
*FvwmTaskBar: StatusFont fixed
*FvwmTaskBar: ClockFormat %b %d %a %R
*FvwmTaskBar: Colorset 9
*FvwmTaskBar: IconColorset 9
*FvwmTaskBar: FocusColorset 9
*FvwmTaskBar: StartName FVWM
*FvwmTaskBar: StartCommand Popup mainmenu Rectangle +0+0 +0 +505p

# Border Colors and Title Fonts #
Style * Color Wheat/Midnightblue, BorderWidth 4, HandleWidth 4
HilightColor Midnightblue Wheat
WindowFont -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*

# Window Focusing #
Style * SloppyFocus, MouseFocusClickRaises

# Decorate Transient Windows #
Style * DecorateTransient
Style "xmms" NoTitle
Style "MPlayer" NoTitle

#TaskBar MiniIcons #
Style "XTerm" MiniIcon /home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/xterm.xpm
Style "RXvt" MiniIcon /home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/rxvt.xpm
Style "GSview" MiniIcon /home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/gsview.xpm
Style "GQview" MiniIcon /home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/gqview.xpm
Style "xmms" MiniIcon /home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/xmms.png

# Main Menu #
AddToMenu mainmenu "FVWM start" Title
+ "fcitx%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/chinese.xpm%" Exec fcitx
+ "firefox%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/firefox.xpm%" Exec firefox
+ "" Nop
+ "rxvt%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/rxvt.xpm%" Exec rxvt
-geometry 100x32
+ "xterm%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/xterm.xpm%" Exec xterm
-geometry 80x24
+ "" Nop
+ "acroread%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/acroread.png%" Exec acroread
+ "gimp%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/gimp.png%" Exec gimp-2.2
+ "gqview%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/gqview.xpm%" Exec gqview
+ "gsview%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/gsview.xpm%" Exec gsview
+ "" Nop
+ "realplay%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/realplay.png%" Exec realplay
+ "xmms%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/xmms.png%" Exec xmms
+ "" Nop
+ "kill%/home/sunyy/.fvwm/icons/mini/kill.xpm%" Destroy

# Menu Styles #
MenuStyle * BorderWidth 2
MenuStyle * Font -misc-simsun-medium-r-normal-*-*-100-*

# TitleBar Buttons #
Mouse 1 1 N Delete
Mouse 1 2 N Maximize 100 -40p
Mouse 1 4 N Iconify
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Received on Thu Mar 24 2005 - 09:43:21 GMT

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