FVWM: window positioning bug?

From: Thomas A. Horsley <tom.horsley_at_att.net>
Date: Fri, 18 Mar 2005 23:46:49 +0000 (GMT)

I see behavior when placing emacs frames and running fvwm that
seems a bit strange and unlike other window managers.

When I move a frame from inside emacs with set-frame-position (I'll try to
figure out exactly what that does X-wise in a minute), the window is moved
so that the top corner of the actual emacs owned window winds up at the
specificed x,y coordinates. This means fvwm's frames are really above
and to the left of where I hoped they'd be.

In both sawfish and mwm, the emacs windows, using the same lisp operations
are positioned so that the window manager's frame winds up at the
requested position.

The sawfish & mwm way seems like the most desirable behavior, since emacs
(or any other X app) has a hard time guessing how much frame there is around
a window, but the window manager knows for sure (I'd hope).

Details: fvwm-2.4.19, emacs-21.4, fedora core 3

As near as I can tell, emacs calls XMoveWindow to move the frame
around (but looking at emacs source is always confusing :-).

The main reason I report this as an fvwm bug rather than an emacs bug is the
fact that is seems to behave OK under other window managers (on the other
hand, I have somethimes gotten the impression that some versions of emacs
wind up putting the window where I want it, so I'm not entirely sure what is
going on).

Is it a bug? (I have worked around it by simply specifying some environment
variables with the frame size when I'm running under fvwm and teaching
emacs to take that into account in its arithmetic :-). Is there some
global window positioning setting I didn't notice in the man page that
fixes this?

Thanks for any info you can provide.
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