FVWM: Re: DynamicPopupAction :-)

From: Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle_at_freenet.de>
Date: Thu, 3 Mar 2005 13:13:42 +0100

Hello Catherine,

Am 2005-03-01 16:27:45, schrieb Catherine Luedecker:

> I didn't see a screenshot of this on your site when I just went but this
> sounds oddly familiar to something else I have seen:
> http://dev.gentoo.org/~taviso/screenshots/browsewall.png

My is similar...

Q: On the right there is the FvwmButton with three swallowed Apps

    1) wmcpuload
    2) something which watch MEM/SWAP
    3) Clock/Date

    Whats the manes of the later two apps ?
    I have not found it in Debian.

> this is an awesome application of what you describe with the added
> ability to set a chosen picture as your desktop background.

Jes, but the main-goal was the 'tdmakexpms' which create the thumbs
in a xpmcache. for faster loading...

First I have tried to do it on the fly... Oops...

You can not make Thumbs of JPEGs of 1600x1200... It takes to much time.
Even on a Athlon XP 3000+ I have to wait around 4 secons per Wallpaper.

So, executing 'tdmakexpms' from a menu is much better, because it can
act in the background. I was thinking, that I add a visible mode to my
script and use Xdialog to show the files on which my script is acting.


I love Xdialog...

        AND FVWM !!!

Now using fvwm2 since 05/1999 successfuly...

Do not ask me about my first experience using fvwm2 in Debian/SLINK 2.1
while I was beginner in GNU/Linux...

Downloaded only the 7 install Floppies, mc, xverver v3, fvwm2 and
netscape 4.72.

Not much, but it was working on a P1/200Mhz and 64 MB of memory with a
850 MB harddisc.

The first time I have tried to configure fvwm2 was "THE HELL"...

...but I have leaned GNU/Linux the hard way with Hardcore-Debian.

Thanks to the Developers of fvwm and all its contributors.

> Cheers

Happy fvwming and coding

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