FVWM: Using "XkbLayout" "de,dvorak" Key goes crazy

From: Frank Gruellich <frank_at_der-frank.org>
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2005 15:42:06 +0100


sorry for the bad subject. Another one of my stupid ideas: if I use
multiple keyboard layouts I have to unbind keys always two times.

In details: I have this in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf:

Section "InputDevice"
        Identifier "Keyboard0"
        Driver "kbd"
        Option "XkbLayout" "de,dvorak"
        Option "XkbVariant" "nodeadkeys,"
        Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"
        Option "XkbModel" "pc105"

(For testing you can get the same with: 'setxkbmap -rules xorg -layout
"de,dvorak" -variant "nodeadkeys," -option "grp:alt_shift_toggle"' in a
xterm. If you prefere you can use "us,dvorak" too.)

Until now I do not use "dvorak", so everything below applies to "de"
layout. My stripped down .fvwm2rc:

DestroyFunc ExecCommand
AddToFunc ExecCommand
 + I Echo "Unbinding keys"
 + I Key h A N -
 + I Key Escape A A -
 + I Key m A C ReadyCommands
 + I $*

DestroyFunc ReadyCommands
AddToFunc ReadyCommands
 + I Echo "Binding keys"
 + I Key h A N ExecCommand Exec /usr/bin/xterm
 + I Key Escape A A ExecCommand Nop

Key m A C ReadyCommands

Hitting C-m prints "Binding keys", hitting h prints "Unbinding keys" and
opens a xterm. Hitting h again prints again "Unbinding keys" and opens
another xterm and now h is really unbound. If I unbind two times:

 + I Key h A N -
 + I Key h A N -

everything works as expected. But this is kinda ugly, 'cause I usually
bind/unbind some dozens keys this way. Unfortunately I could not
reproduce this with other combinations, it happens only in combination
to "*,dvorak". I am using X.org 6.8.0-r3 and Fvwm2 from the CVS. Can
anybody reproduce this or is it just my weird system?

I'm sorry if this is the wrong list for this question, but I'm pretty
helpless in debugging this. I find several files below
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xkb/ but don't know how to edit which of them. Any
hints would be appreciated.

While we are on alternative keyboard layouts: what exactly does a key
mean to Fvwm2? When switching to Dvorak I've noticed, that with the
above setup the (Dvorak-) key d opens the xterm now (which is at the
same place on a qwertz keyboard as the key h). I would expect the key h
(at Dvorak, which is j at qwertz) to do this. And so it does when I use
only Dvorak without an alternative. All bindings stay at their physical

Thanks in advance,
 regards, Frank.
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