FVWM: Visit FusionPHP.net !!!

From: Patattenboerken <potatoehead_at_fusionphp.net>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 18:06:16 -0800

Visit FusionPHP.NET today, fullfilling your PHP needs!!!


We have the BEST free php news script in the world. Please click on the GOOGLE AdSense ads at the top of the page ONCE per day, Every day to keep our site online and pay for our hosting!!!

Please spread the word about our website and our scripts!!! Forward this email to 250 people and we'll pay you $7.50 US dollars via paypal.

Thank you,

Remember to Click on the Google AdSense ads ONCE per day at least, multiple clicks per day don't matter as much as ONCE per day. Thank you.
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Received on Fri Feb 18 2005 - 20:07:17 GMT

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