Re: FVWM: firefox disapera on full screen.

From: Jindrich Makovicka <>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 14:49:48 +0100

Bjoern Steinbrink wrote:
> On 2005.02.07 09:23:40 +0530, Manu J wrote:
>>i'm running 2.5.11 and on pressing F11 firefox disappers from the screen
>>and the window list.I read through the archives.This was reported in the past.
>>Has his been fixed in 2.5.12?
> Fails here with fvwm 2.5.12, too. Sometimes it suceeds in going into
> fullscreen mode, but then fails to switch back, i.e the window
> disappears.

By mistake, I sent my reply only to Manu, so I am reposting it, with
some corrections:

Firefox (and GTK2 Mozilla suite) binary from uses some
hackish way of setting fullscreen, instead of using EWMH fullscreen hint
properly. This is because Firefox is compiled for older versions of GTK,
which didn't contain gtk_window_fullscreen(). If you build your own from
source tarball with recent GTK, fullscreen will work. Also, at least
Debian Firefox binary works for me, and probably packages for other
distributions will too. I am not sure if it's really a FVWM bug, the
whole fullscreen issue in X is _very_ fishy.

Jindrich Makovicka
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Received on Mon Feb 07 2005 - 07:50:35 GMT

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