FVWM: Fullscreen + Xinerama

From: Mark <mark_at_sexy.demon.nl>
Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2005 00:08:48 +0100

Hi i was wondering if someone knew a nice way to fix a "Fullscreen" function
that i have here.

The function now as i have it (not written by me, taken from fvwm-crystal)
basically just saves the current state of a window, moves it to the top left
corner of the screen, and resizes to the max of the screen.
After that some WindowStyle options are set.

Since i am using Xinerama with these settings:
XineramaSlsScreens 2 1280x1024+1280+0 1280x1024+0+0
XineramaSls On
XineramaPrimaryScreen 0
Xinerama On

It would be nice if the function:
1. Decides on what Xinerama the window resides and adjusts the Move command to
move it to the top left corner of the Xinerama screen.
2. Fullscreens only within the XineramaScreen it is in.

Unfortunately i have no idea how to do this.
The Function(s):
DestroyFunc Fullscreen
AddToFunc Fullscreen
+ I Fullscreen-Stop
+ I Current (!Maximizable) Break
+ I TestRc (False) Fullscreen-Start

DestroyFunc Fullscreen-Start
AddToFunc Fullscreen-Start
+ I Current (State 0) Break
+ I SetEnv OldX-$[w.id] $[w.x]
+ I SetEnv OldY-$[w.id] $[w.y]
+ I SetEnv OldWidth-$[w.id] $[w.width]
+ I SetEnv OldHeight-$[w.id] $[w.height]
+ I Move 0p 0p
+ I Resize 100 100 frame
#+ I Layer 0 5
+ I WindowStyle NoTitle, !Borders, StaysOnTop, !Iconifiable, !Maximizable
+ I State 0 true

DestroyFunc Fullscreen-Stop
AddToFunc Fullscreen-Stop
#+ I Current (!State 0) Break
+ I DestroyWindowStyle
+ I State 0 false
#+ I Layer 0 4
+ I PipeRead "echo ResizeMove \\$\\[OldWidth-$[w.id]\\]p
\\$\\[OldHeight-$[w.id]\\]p \\$\\[OldX-$[w.id]\\]p \\$\\[OldY-$[w.id]\\]p"

Perhaps someone could also tell me how to fix the following problem (The above
is sort of a workaround for this problem):
Programs that really support fullscreen like mplayer always fullscreen over
both monitors..? How can i configure my setup so that these programs detect
the correct width of the monitor there on ?

All the xinerama stuff still behaves somewhat strange on my setup and i really
don't understand why, other things i notice are:
1 mplayerplug-in: When embedded in a browser it shows half of the screen, only
when I fullscreen/restore i see the whole "picture"
2 kcontrol (Desktop -> Panels) allows you to identify your xinerama screens,
when I click "Identify" it shows the "1" in the center of the 2 monitors, and
the "2" centered (like it should be) on the left/secondary monitor.

Hope u have the awnsers !

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