Re: FVWM: Broken Dynamic Menus

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Wed, 19 Jan 2005 15:06:58 +0000

On 18 Jan 2005 23:24:58 -0500, Scott Rubin wrote:
> Ok, so I have some dynamic menus (FuncFvwmMenuDirectory) I use for browsing
> certain directories on my drive. Mostly my documents, movies and music
> directories. They worked and still partially do. Recently I modified my
> menus a bit

Do you remember what did you modify exactly?

> and now my dynamic menus only allow me to browse 2 directories
> deep. It simply wont do anything if I try to browse deeper than that. My
> fvwm configuration is available for your viewing pleasure at

Can you please strip the config to several lines that show your problem
and post these lines here. Also you should attach (url) some example
directory layout that does not work as expected for you.

Without this, it is impossible to say anothing concrete. I just copied
your FuncFvwmMenuDirectory function definition plus the menus containing
"MissingSubmenuFunction FuncFvwmMenuDirectory" and everything works for
any subdirectory depth. (I changed paths a bit.)

Similarly, it is hard to answer anything concrete to Andrew Dolgov, since
he didn't strip his config to several lines that could be pasted to

Personally, I don't think there are problems with dynamical menus in fvwm
similar to the ones described in this thread. Dynamical menus worked for
me without problem for years.

Debugging of dynamical configuration is not easy indeed. I may suggest to
create shell scripts and test them from the command line, and call these
scripts in fvwm configuration, instead of coding unix commands directly.

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