FVWM: Two Things

From: Scott Rubin <slr2777_at_cs.rit.edu>
Date: Wed, 29 Dec 2004 12:50:18 -0500


Ok, there are two things I want to try to get in my Fvwm configuration, but I'm
not sure if they're possible or not.

First window snapping. Yes, I have it working already, what I want to do is more
complex. In a default Gnome configuration the moving and resizing of windows is
free with no snapping. But if you hold down a button, I think shift, while
moving windows it forces it to snap to an edge no matter what. What I would
like is to configure Fvwm so that moving or resizing anything in Fvwm forces
snapping. However, holding down a key, maybe the window key (SUPER_L) allows
free movement and resizing.

The second thing I want to do may be more difficult. I was watching someone use
a powerbook and it has this really neat feature. Basically they push some key
combination and the screen zooms way way out. Every open window is displayed
with no overlapping. All the windows turn into seperate thumbnails and they all
fit nicely in the screen. Then whichever thumbnail gets clicked becomes the top
focused window. Is there a way to do this with Fvwm or even X11? It's really

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Received on Wed Dec 29 2004 - 11:47:31 GMT

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