FVWM: GotoPage no worky on DirectFB?

From: Chris Alexander <chris_at_moose.ca>
Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2004 16:23:43 -0500 (EST)

This is a shot in the dark - has anyone encountered the GotoPAge
function(s) not working in XDirectFB?

My config is Gentoo, directfb-0.9.20-r1, xdirectfb-1.0_rc5-r1.

The config works fine in "normal" X, just not under xdirectfb.

My syntax is pretty simplistic:

*NavButtons: (Title NAV, Action 'GotoPage +0 +0')

NavButtons is an instance of FvwmButtons of course - using FvwmButtons to
make a "pager" of sorts. Button clicks switch screens/apps.

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