Re: FVWM: leapfrog

From: Christian Schröder <>
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2004 21:23:31 +0100

Shay wrote:
> Something as simple as a new webpage, nice default config, or slashdot
> windows, etc. are all nice, but not a fit for everyone, or (guessing)

I thought FVWM is just a very configurable WM, so it does not to have
live on the majority but "could" work for everyone, who is willing to
configure. So, some new features would be nice.
Like a better implementation for transparence in colorsets since xorg
gives us a "native" way.

But nevertheless FVWM lives from sample configs, because the
documentation maybe complete, but it is neither ordered from a user
perspective nor easy understandable.

> IMO, for people like myself who spend 99% of
> computer time coding, the floating window interface is and will remain
> the best fit.

I do not know, but 3D desktops is like some pages/dekstops but you can
see some hint on the content. It is not this big improvement but it is
more easily to understand, cause 3D is your normal life, so you know,
that there are things behind/right/left of other things, which you can
see if you change your view (this is like changing the viewport, but
htis is some more abstraction, which makes it less understandable).

> A nice thing about IceWM is that you can install it and get
> back to work instantly.

ACK. That it is what it makes hard vor new users. Deploy some new
default configs. There are enough of them in the net.

> (2) The exception to this is the lack of "alt-tab" in FVWM.
> "Alt-tab-tab" is *very* clunky. A serious turn-off to my wife when I
> explained this to her.

I know know it is too late but:

Key Tab A M WindowList CurrentAtEnd

solves this double Tab...
And it works just great. Only Openoffice sucks with navigator and style


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