FVWM: leapfrog

From: damon <damon_at_gotalk.net.au>
Date: 12 Dec 2004 16:55:53 +0930

Why doesn't fvwm get with the times? It's a great window manager, no
doubt, i've used it for years now, but I want more, and not measly fixes
and patches. The project is moving inescapably into its' irrelevant
eventuality. The problem with much software development is people see
the stars and go for it, forgetting the steps in between. In fvwm there
is an opportunity to leapfrog other window managers and embrace the 3D
desktop, but only by leveraging the window commands that it exposes. Not
the current theatrics of 3D, simply windows enabled in the 3rd dimension
through its exposed command set.

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Received on Sun Dec 12 2004 - 01:11:02 GMT

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