Re: FVWM: move window to adjacent page

From: Jason Dobies <>
Date: 03 Dec 2004 08:12:43 -0500

I wrote the following function that I use for moving windows. It moves
the window and then changes to that page; you'd be surprised, but it
makes life a lot easier, especially if you're moving it more than one

DestroyFunc SendToPage
AddToFunc SendToPage
+ "I" moveToPage $0 $1
+ "I" goToPage $0 $1

My key mappings to invoke this are as follows:

# Shift + Meta + <direction> to move an application between pages
      Key Left A SM SendToPage -1p 0p
      Key Right A SM SendToPage +1p 0p
      Key Up A SM SendToPage 0p -1p
      Key Down A SM SendToPage 0p +1p

Hope this helps!

- J

> Hi,
> I would like to have a keystroke that will move the window under focus to an
> adjacent page. Any suggestions appreciated!
> I'm using fvwm 2.5.12-4
> Thanks,
> Matthew

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