FVWM: FvwmAnimate and Styles * NoIcon

From: Mathias Weyland <mweyland_at_phys.ethz.ch>
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2004 00:20:02 +0100


I tried to call FvwmAnimate out of FvwmIconMan with fvwm 2.5.12 (Debian
Sarge). I have disabled the Icons and I want to animate the
iconification process of windows which are being iconified. The
manpage of FvwmIconMan sais something about NoIconAction. I
tried to copy the example from the manpage, but it doesen't work.

This is my configuration (stripped):

Module FvwmAnimate
Style * NoIcon
*FvwmIconMan: NoIconAction SendToModule FvwmAnimate animate
Module FvwmIconMan

But I don't see any Animations :( When I invoke 'SendTo Module
FvwmAnimate animate 100 100 10 10 0 0 0 0' (or anything like that) from
the FvwmConsole, I can see animations. They appear as well if I don't
disable Icons in the config.

I guess I've misunderstood the meaning of NoIconAction, but what am I
doing wrong exactly?

Regards, Mathias
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