Re: FVWM: Specifications LG Flatron 797FT Plus

From: Wing Tung Leung <>
Date: Tue, 29 Aug 2000 14:51:55 +0200

Julien Michielsen wrote:
> I recently bought a Lucky Goldstar Flatron 797FT Plus monitor (17"), and
> I thought I should be able to get a better performance from this monitor
> than I actually do. I compared it in the shop with a IIlama 17", and I
> thought the LG performed better on a MS Win machine than the IIlama.
> However, at home I get coloured bands over the screen (interference, I
> think), and I'd like to fine-tune it better. But someone else, who is
> handier with that than I am, might have done this already. Yet I have
> not found example specifications for this monitor. Would they be unavai-
> lable at all, or could you give a hint how to find them?

I think this is not an fvwm2 question, more something for the X-server.
Try to find more info in the docs from your X-server.

In case you use XFree and RedHat, you might find info in
/usr/lib/X11/doc/, I don't know it for other distro's or servers.

Hope it helps,

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Received on Tue Aug 29 2000 - 13:26:51 BST

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