Re: FVWM: Turn on title on WindowShade

From: Frank Gruellich <>
Date: Fri, 5 Nov 2004 11:58:04 +0100

* Scott Smedley <> 5. Nov 04:
> Hi Frank,


> > Or can I set 'Title' for shade windows only?
> AddToFunc MyWinShade
> + I ThisWindow WindowStyle Title
> + I ThisWindow WindowShade True
> AddToFunc MyWinShadeOff
> + I ThisWindow WindowStyle NoTitle
> + I ThisWindow WindowShade False

Thank you very much, I missed the WindowStyle. With this and the stuff
from the last night I have this:
|DestroyFunc ToggleShade
|AddToFunc ToggleShade
|+ I ThisWindow (Shaded) WindowStyle NoTitle
|+ I ThisWindow (Shaded) WindowShade false
|+ I TestRc (1) Break
|+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded) WindowStyle Title
|+ I ThisWindow (!Shaded) WindowShade $0
and bind it to
|Key h TFISW CS Current ToggleShade West
|Key j TFISW CS Current ToggleShade South
|Key k TFISW CS Current ToggleShade North
|Key l TFISW CS Current ToggleShade East

This works (BTW: I could use something like 'TitleSide North'), but
looks kinda strange: when shading, first the window is shaded and then
the title is added (fine); when unshading, first the window is unshaded
and then the title is removed. Both seem to happen in the wrong order,
don't they? (It doesn't matter much, but some as it resizes the windows
content a bit this messes up some applications, that doesn't like this,
eg. my vim in GNU screen in xterm.)

Anyway, because this doesn't help very much for 'ToggleShade West' I
replaced 'NoTitle' with 'BorderWidth 1' and 'Title' with 'BorderWidth
8'. This way another strange effect occurs (beside the wrong order):
then shading to North or East the top right corner (the border, not the
window content) of shaded and unshaded window stay the same place at
screen, which make the lower or left border, respectively, jump around
in a strange way; then shading West/South the right/top border of the
shaded window jump to the position of the left/bottom border of the
unshaded window. Both goes for unshading, too. Look at it then
unshading with WindowShadeSteps 25, the window content will jump around.

(Now I do a very bold assumption: this behavior is not configurable.)

I would appreciate something like this: preserve the position of window
content in all circumstances (Of course not in the direction of shade:
left/right for North/South and top/bottom for West/East.) and add the
window borders to the exterior.

> > And: is there anything fvwm can't do?
> Usually not when Dominik is around. :)

I know. Dominik? If this is not configurable, I would appreciate some
hints to the code and see, what I can do.

Thanks in advance,
 regards, Frank.
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