FVWM: pointer and transient pager

From: Greg BOGNAR <bognar_at_christal.elte.hu>
Date: Thu, 21 Oct 2004 00:41:25 +0200 (CEST)

Hello list,

I have

EdgeCommand Right Module FvwmPager -transient

in my .fvwm2rc. But I would like the pager to disappear (be deleted)
not only on any key release and mouse click, but also simply when the
pointer leaves the pager window. So I started playing around with the
example in FAQ 7.17. What I found is that it does not work at all
with the -transient option; and if I don't have that option, the pager
does not get placed under the pointer at all, but as any other window,
typically on the other side of the screen.

Is there a way I can teach Fvwm to close a transient pager as soon as
the pointer leaves its window? Perhaps the best would be if the pager
would come up if the pointer hits the screen edge, the pointer is
warped to the middle of the pager, but it is closed on any keyrelease
or if the pointer is moved out of the window.


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