FVWM: Windows must not cover taskbar

From: Walter Périé <Walter_Perie_at_belgocontrol.be>
Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2004 11:49:01 +0200


I am using fvwm version 2.5.10.

I have an application with a taskbar at the top of the screen. The rest of
the windows OF THE SAME APPLICATION must never cover the taskbar (move,
maximise, resize, ...)

For the moment the application controls all that, but the code has become
really unmaintanable.

I am studying if it all can be done with fvwm config files. I am brand new
at fvwm and window managers. I have read the man page and some of your
answers about EwmhBaseStruts, but I don't know exactly how to apply it all
to my case (and I get lost when reading about Styles, Modules ...)

Can anyone send me a hint? Is there a beginners doc for fvwm?

Thanks in advance,


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