FVWM: Problem choosing panel with EdgeCommand - once again

From: Rafal Bisingier <ravbc_at_man.poznan.pl>
Date: Fri, 17 Sep 2004 16:45:36 +0200


I've send a message couple of days ago with similar subject like this
one, but never get any response and as I see it never appeared in archive
(or more precisely it is in raw archive, but not on the thread listing)

Below is the copy of this message. If anyone interested I have a patch
on current CVS sources adding EdgeLeaveCommand metioned in the post.

Now the actual problem:

There is an example in the fvwm man page showing a method to auto raise
and lower panel when mouse poiter hit edge of the screen. It uses
FvwmAuto and EdgeCommand function. It works very well, but only for 1
panel for each edge (because of using focus to decide if window should
be raised or lowered).

Here begins my problem. I have 3 panels on one edge of the screen (2
FvwmButtons and 1 FvwmPager). I want them to be separate panels. But
using earlier metioned method from man page there isn't any possibility
to decide which panel to raise when hitting edge (well, I can script it
to make a decision based on pointer position when hitting edge, but
it meens aiming without target visibility ;-) ).

Here begins my solution. I've added new command for fvwm
"EdgeLeaveCommand", based on the EdgeCommand, but reacting on
LeaveNotify Event. So now I can raise all 3 panels to show me "target",
and set focus on one only, when mouse pointer is leaving edge. This way
I can see where I should move mouse to choose exacly this panel wich I

If anyone knows a better solution, no needing patching fvwm, then please
comment here.


PS. Sorry for my english. ;-)

Rafal Bisingier
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Received on Fri Sep 17 2004 - 09:45:55 BST

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