Re: FVWM: app starting window on its initial page

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Wed, 15 Sep 2004 10:16:23 +0200

On Tue, Sep 14, 2004 at 04:45:32PM -0700, Elliot Sowadsky wrote:
> I have an app that i start on desk x
> I have it open window 2 and then i move window 2 to desk y.
> Going to the window 2 on desk y, i open up window 3.
> App starts window 3 on original desk x.
> How do i get window 3 to open on desk y, the one i'm on.
> I cant use StartsOnDesk, cuz i dont always want it on a certain desk,
> just the one i'm on.

Fvwm forces new windows onto the same desk if one of two
conditions is met:

  1) The new window is a transient of the old one.

     Currently, there is no way to prevent this effect. All you
     can do is to use FvwmEvent to move the new window to the
     current desk. (A patch is welcome, look at placement.c,
     around line 1250).

  2) The new window is in the same window group, and the old
     window is the group leader.

     In this case, use

       Style <appname> ScatterWindowGroups


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,

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