FVWM: FvwmButtons: multiple swallows

From: Florian Schmidt <Florian.Schmidt_at_rwth-aachen.de>
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 2004 12:58:06 +0200


I am trying to use FvwmButtons (Fvwm 2.5.10) as some sort of systray. That
is, I'm trying to get it to swallow small docklet windows some
applications provide (e.g. the jabber client psi). I wrote a small example
configuration for that matter:

################## FvwmButtons button-bar ################################
KillModule FvwmButtons
DestroyModuleConfig FvwmButtons: *
*FvwmButtons: Geometry 66x22-1+296
*FvwmButtons: Back #484048
*FvwmButtons: Fore steelblue
*FvwmButtons: Rows 1
*FvwmButtons: Columns 3
*FvwmButtons: BoxSize smart
*FvwmButtons: (1x1, Swallow(NoClose, NoOld, Kill) "psidock")

Module FvwmButtons

When I (re)start Fvwm, everything works fine: FvwmButtons appears, and as
soon as I start psi, the docklet gets swallowed. However, when I close psi
and restart it later, the docklet will not get swallowed again, but
instead float somewhere on the screen, like any other window. Is that a
known limitation I can only avoid by not closing psi after I opened it for
the first time, or am I missing something?

Many Thanks,


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wenn er seine Menschen frißt,
links die Gabel, rechts das Messer,
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