FVWM: Dual root menus cause very long start/restart

From: Ahmed Abdalla <gtg468r_at_mail.gatech.edu>
Date: Fri, 06 Aug 2004 03:24:08 +0000

I just tried to set up a second root menu by splitting my current root
menu (MenuFvwmRoot) into two separate menus (MenuFvwmLeftRoot,
MenuFvwmRightRoot). However, when I bind these two menus to mouse 1 and
mouse 3, they cause fvwm to take forever to start or restart. This does
not occur when I change the bindings back to mouse 1 by itself.
Previously, mouse 3 was bound to open MenuFvwmRoot as well, with no
problems. The delays are reproducible every time I change the mouse 3
bindings. There is no output from /var/log/messages or .xsession-errors
that seem to be spawned by fvwm and related to the mouse. I have tried
the bindings with IgnoreModifiers L25 set and commented out, and the
delays are still present, either way. I have read through the man page
and have not found anything that would cause this.

Many thanks,

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Received on Fri Aug 06 2004 - 02:31:21 BST

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