FVWM: Problem with Thumbnails

From: Shuxiang Liu <shuxiang_at_gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 11:51:47 -0700

Hi, there,

I am using the .fvwm2rc file from
http://dev.gentoo.org/~taviso/fvwm2rc.html. The function
of Thumbnail has some problem for me. Each time I start a firefox
(0.9.1), open a
link to new tab with middle mouse key, and then switch to the newly
opened tab, I will
found I can't thumbnail the firefox when I click the minimizing
button. It looks like the
firefox is iconified to the thumbnail, but imediately deiconified.
Later I found if I click
the minimizing button and hold the mouse button for a while before
release it, the
problem won't happen. Once the problem happens other windows sometimes will also
suffer from this.
I am wondering how to fix this problem. My system is gentoo with
'~x86', 2.6.7-gentoo-r11 kernel, and fvwm-2.5.10-r6.
Thanks for your input.

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Received on Mon Jul 26 2004 - 13:54:25 BST

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