Re: FVWM: HoverIcon for FvwmButtons (Was: animated FvwmButtons)

From: Scott Smedley <ss_at_aaoepp.aao.GOV.AU>
Date: Tue, 6 Jul 2004 23:47:01 +1000

Hi Liu,

> I'd like this patch to be stablized and merged into fvwm

Ditto. FvwmButtons is quite complex. Consequently, I'm not comfortable
commiting this patch until it's had wider testing. Maybe you can convince
some fellow FVWMers to try it out? :)

> > Out of curiosity, how responsive is this?
> I have a P4 2G cpu. This causes no speed loss

hehe! Not that you'd notice with a 2G CPU. :)

> Now I found a bug.
> When you init fvwm, FvwmButtons won't display the icons.
> A Restart will turn on the icons.

I cannot reproduce this problem. What version of FVWM are you using?
The config you gave me (with altered Icon images of course) works fine.

Can you give me any further info?

SCoTT. :)
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