FVWM: root-tail behavior

From: Eduardo Gargiulo <egargiulo_at_linux.org.ar>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 2004 20:36:23 -0000

This maybe rather off-topic.

After read "my first .fvm2rc" message on this list, I'm trying to set up
root-tail on my fvwm desktop. The problem is that I can't see tail from 3
different files; root-tail shows tail of only one file.

The questions is, if I put root-tail in global init-restart.hook file, which
is the user thar runs the program? If is current user, so this may be a
privileges problem, because I have read access only to one of the three files;
if root-tail is executed by root user, I dont't know which could be the
problem. BTW, where can I found logs for fvwm errors?

thanks in advance and sorry for my english


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