Re: FVWM: FwvmAuto(?) & focus

From: Artem Chuprina <>
Date: Mon, 21 Jun 2004 18:01:01 +0400

Dominik Vogt -> Artem Chuprina _at_ Mon, 21 Jun 2004 11:16:49 +0200:

>> Sorry if I failed to find it elswhere.
>> fvwm 2.5.10
>> Excerpt from .fvwm2rc (I hope that's all that may be relevant):
>> Style "*" SloppyFocus, MinOverlapPercentPlacement
>> Style "*" ClickToFocusRaises, ClickToFocusPassesClickOff
>> AddToFunc StartFunction
>> + "I" Module FvwmAuto 1000
>> + "I" Module FvwmCommandS
>> + "I" Module FvwmEvent FvwmEventNewWindow
>> *FvwmEventNewWindow: StartDelay 4
>> *FvwmEventNewWindow: add_window FocusAndRaise
>> The problem: if some window is overlapped by another, application in it
>> does not get mouse input until a window is raised (either by FvwmAuto or
>> by any other means). But it does get keyboard input.
>> In fvwm 2.4.16 with identical configuration this problem does not
>> appear. Maybe some defaults have changed?

 DV> The behaviour you see is exactly what you are asking for. With

 DV> Style "*" ClickToFocusRaises, ClickToFocusPassesClickOff
 DV> ^^^

 DV> you're telling fvwm not to pass any clicks on lowered windows to
 DV> the application, and this is what you get. I didn't check 2.4.16,
 DV> but if it does not work as described, there is a bug in 2.4.x, not
 DV> in 2.5.x.

No, if it is so, it is a bug either in name of parameter or in 2.5.x.
It is not a click to focus. These windows have SloppyFocus style, not
ClickToFocus. And well, for ClickToFocus windows (now I have no such) I
would not want passing of click.

In 2.4.x behavior is as described:

"ClickToFocusPassesClickOff and ClickToFocusPassesClick controls if a
mouse click to focus a window using the ClickToFocus model is sent to
the application or not"

means that it does not affect non-ClickToFocus windows.

Well, in 2.5.x manpage I found

"ClickToFocusPassesClickOff and ClickToFocusPassesClick controls if a
mouse click to focus a window using the ClickToFocus model is sent to
the application or not. Similarly,
ClickToFocusRaisesOff/MouseFocusClickRaisesOff and
ClickToFocusRaises/MouseFocusClickRaises control if the window is

Note: in fvwm versions prior to 2.5.3, the "Click..." options applied
only to windows with ClickToFocus while the "Mouse..." options applied
to windows with a different focus policy. This is no longer the case. "

But as I can see, the second paragraph contradicts the first one. And
then what's the sense of such a change in logic? From my point of view
this is definitely a mistake. Well, I know workaround (for each window
window with ClickToFocus style also explicitly set
ClickToFocusPassesClickOff), but what if in 2.6.x there will be
analogous strange logic in this place?

 DV> Try

 DV> Style * ClickToFocusRaises, ClickToFocusPassesClick

 DV> instead. (Note that double quotes around style names are only
 DV> necessary if the style contains whitespace or quoting characters).

Sorry, I have not tested this on 2.5.x yet. If test will fail, I'll be
back :-)

Artem Chuprina
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