Re: FVWM: fvwmbuttons align bottom

From: Roeland Moors <>
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 20:29:20 +0200

On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 11:17:43PM +0700, Ruslan Kosolapov wrote:
> RM> On Mon, Jun 14, 2004 at 04:43:08PM +0200, Roeland Moors wrote:
> >> I have a fvwmIconMan inside my FvwmButtons. The area for this
> >> IconMan is to large if there are only a couple apps. The IconMan
> >> is then centered. Is it possible to bottom align the IconMan
> >> inside the FvwmButtons?
> >> I found a right, left, center option but not top, center, align.
> >>
> RM> Here is a screenshot with the problem:
> RM>
> RM> The FvwmIconMan should be lower.
> As I understand, to solve this problem you should configure
> FvwmIconMan, not FvwmButtons.
> $ man FvwmIconMan
> .....
> *FvwmIconMan: [id] ManagerGeometry geometry
> Specifies the initial geometry of the manager, in units of but-
> tons. If height is 0, then the manager will use width columns, and
> will grow vertically once it has more than width windows. Likewise,
> if width is 0, it will use height rows, and grow hori- zontally. If
> both are nonzero, then the manager window will be exactly that size,
> and stay that way. As columns are created, the buttons will narrow to
> accommodate. If the geometry is specified with a negative y
> coordinate, then the window manager will grow upwards. Otherwise, it
> will grow downwards.
> ....
> As I see in screenshot, you use something like
> "*FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 1x0".
> Try to use "*FvwmIconMan: ManagerGeometry 1x0+0-0"
> As example you can view my very old config:
> (screenshot of it is
I tried "ManagerGeometry 1x0+0-0", but that doesn't make a

But I also want to align a 'normal' application like gkrellm to
align to the top/bottom. I could make an area which is smaller
then gkrellm, but I don't like that solution. It may cause
problems with the other FvwmButtons stuff (overlapping).

Here is my config:

Thanks for the help

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