FVWM: FVWM question

From: David Gagne <david.gagne_at_oracle.com>
Date: Fri, 11 Jun 2004 15:53:58 -0400


I have some questions. I use a product called Tarantella to display
the FVWM page on my PC running Windows XP. The FVWM
page is bigger than my PC's monitor. So, I have to scroll my PC
window to see the different parts of the FVWM page. This is a
real pain.

The FVWM2 manpage (on page 11, in the section called
"CONFIGURATION FILES") states "The configuration file is used
to describe ... the virtual display size ...". I cannot find anything that
tells me how to manipulate this size. My questions are:

1) Is this what I would use to manipulate the size of the FVWM
page/display on my PC monitor? If so, where can I read about this?

2) If that is not how to manipulate the size of the FVWM page
on my PC monitor, can you guide me to the information I need?


David Gagne

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