FVWM: Screenshot

From: Jan Svenungson <jan.svenungson_at_celab.se>
Date: Sun, 6 Jun 2004 11:29:09 +0000

Hello boys and girls, thought i'd share my screenshot for you to put up on the webpage if you wan't to.
The screenshot can be found at http://spartacus.homeunix.org/pub/screenshot.png .

Description of what it does:
This is my brand new look with fvwm-2.5.8 running on Gentoo GNU/Linux. I use the nanogui window decors and a backdrop i found on the net, also i use icons extracted from a QNX-cd using a script Taviso made. FvwmButtons is used to swallow a pager, the licqwarf, two applets to check used diskspace on my fileserver, a textbased biff and a digital clock, all of which are modifications of the ones found in fvwmthemes. Menus are _slightly_ translucent just to make it look a bit more alive.

Thats about it, maybe i should mention i "stole" alot from Tavisos rc, i kind of used it as an example file for colorsets and the applets. Post it if you like it ;)
Yours sincerely, Jan Svenungson
Email: jan.svenungson_at_linux.se
UIN: 6581164
Homepage: http://spartacus.homeunix.org
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Received on Sun Jun 06 2004 - 04:27:14 BST

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