Re: FVWM: mfvwm

From: Phil Stracchino <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 02:33:03 -0400

On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 02:12:57AM -0400, Nicholas Paul Johnson wrote:
> On Thu, 13 May 2004, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> >
> > I have. It doesn't answer my question.
> >
> > In the meantime, I've been playing around and have learned a few things.
> > It seemed at first as though I could have no more than 16 points, but
> > this appears not to be the case, as I've now successfully created a
> > vector button with 45 points. I have figured out the following:
> >
> Technically speaking, each point is a vector. Thus, yes, you can have
> multiple vectors. Am I misunderstanding you use of vector?

Well, partly this is lack of clarity on my part, and partly, no, a point
is not a vector. A point is a point. I was trying to use the term
'vector chain' to refer to a single figure, if you will, or connected
series of figures, drawn on the button by vector means. I should
probably more correctly have used the term polyline (and in fact,
Polyline would be a more accurate term for fvwm to use than Vector).
The style below, with 45 points, properly contains 44 vectors forming a
single polyline.

What I was trying to ask was whether I could have a button on which two
separate polylines were drawn, since at the time I was under the
impression that a polyline in a Vector style specification could not
include more than 16 points. In that case, if one wanted a button
design containing more than 16 points, it would be necessary to use
multiple vector chain specifications.

Mikhael (I think) subsequently pointed out that multiple styles can be
added to a button using AddButtonStyle. However, since button style
polylines in fvwm-2.5 can contain up to 10000 points, I don't anticipate
ever needing to do so, as that's sufficient points to draw a line in
each possible vector color from every pixel on the button to every other
pixel on the button. :)

> > # Send-to-page button
> > ButtonStyle 3 Vector 45 10x10_at_2 10x30_at_2 30x30_at_0 30x10_at_0 10x10_at_1 \
> > 40x10_at_2 40x30_at_2 60x30_at_0 60x10_at_0 40x10_at_1 \
> > 70x10_at_2 70x30_at_2 90x30_at_0 90x10_at_0 70x10_at_1 \
> > 10x40_at_2 10x60_at_2 30x60_at_0 30x40_at_0 10x40_at_1 \
> > 40x40_at_2 40x60_at_2 60x60_at_0 60x40_at_0 40x40_at_1 \
> > 70x40_at_2 70x60_at_2 90x60_at_0 90x40_at_0 70x40_at_1 \
> > 10x70_at_2 10x90_at_2 30x90_at_0 30x70_at_0 10x70_at_1 \
> > 40x70_at_2 40x90_at_2 60x90_at_0 60x70_at_0 40x70_at_1 \
> > 70x70_at_2 70x90_at_2 90x90_at_0 90x70_at_0 70x70_at_1 \
> > -- Raised
> >
> This appears to be 5x9-1==45-1==44 vectors.

Correct, in a single polyline.

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Received on Fri May 14 2004 - 01:35:52 BST

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