Re: FVWM: mfvwm

From: Phil Stracchino <>
Date: Fri, 14 May 2004 00:01:38 -0400

On Fri, May 14, 2004 at 02:03:20AM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 13 May 2004 21:25:29 -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> > I have. It doesn't answer my question.
> Well, configs of some samples do answer your question. AFAIR.

OK, let me rephrase that: "I did not see any button configs in those
button samples that answered the questions I had."

> > In the meantime, I've been playing around and have learned a few things.
> > It seemed at first as though I could have no more than 16 points, but
> > this appears not to be the case, as I've now successfully created a
> > vector button with 45 points.
> The number of points was increased in 2.5.x two years ago. This is why
> specifying fvwm version is always important.

Out of curiosity, what was the old limit?

> > - A button without a function assigned to it will not be drawn, even
> > if assigned a style.
> I think this is in FAQ.
> > - A button can only have a single vector chain. This isn't
> > necessarily a problem, because vector segments can be made
> > effectively invisible.
> No, you may apply multiple AddButtonStyle as needed.

OK, none of the examples illustrates this, and it's not apparent from
the documentation (unless I missed something, which is entirely

> > - An error in the point list may cause the button not to be drawn, or
> > may cause it to be drawn using a different ButtonStyle, depending
> > on the nature of the error. The error may or may not be logged in
> > .xsession-errors, and if logged, the message may or may not tell you
> > anything useful about what the actual error was.
> Well, you don't draw buttons very often to justify a complete syntax
> error diagnostics system, do you? :)

Very true. :) I guess my point was, "If one of these things happens,
it probably means you have a subtle error in your point list. Look at it
more carefully, but don't necessarily expect to be able to figure it out
from the .xsession-errors output."

Hmmmm...... I find myself pondering a vector-button-drawing tool that
lets you draw a button, then outputs the vector list to generate it.
I'll give it some thought.

> > - Although vector coordinates are on a scale of 1..100 (increments of
> > 1%), the useful resolution is closer to increments of 5%, unless you
> > have really friggin' HUGE buttons.
> This is possibly because you use 3-d like relief that is 2 pixels wide.
> If you use flat decorations, then entire 100% is available. I think.

I think it's more that the buttons just plain *aren't very big* if your
titlebar font is a reasonable size. There's only just so many pixels
available. No matter what you do, you can't get 100 points of physical
resolution across a button that's only 20 pixels wide.

> > Anyway, after playing with this for a while, I've got two titlebar
> > buttons and two sets of functions for sending windows to a specified
> > page or a specified desk. The COMPLETE code, with vector buttons and
> > window menu entries, follows. Note that I've now made the placement of
> > the button panels smarter, as necessitated for titlebar button use; the
> > old version of SendWindowToPage, if used on a titlebar button, would
> > often appear partly offscreen. This version fixes that.
> >
> > Anyway, here's the code, and the attached PNG shows the appearance of
> > the new buttons.
> No time to read/play with this config for now. Maybe later.
> Or you may just post a screenshot url.

Well, that's what the PNG was -- a partial window screenshot showing the
left side of the titlebar.

(Oh, and I meant to elide repetitive rows in the PageButtonGrid
definition .... sorry about that.)

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