Re: FVWM: MoveToPage and tabular menu

From: Phil Stracchino <>
Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 19:59:49 -0400

On Wed, May 12, 2004 at 12:36:55PM +0000, Mikhael Goikhman wrote:
> On 12 May 2004 08:25:48 -0400, Phil Stracchino wrote:
> >
> > except that FvwmButtons is not honoring the -g specification
> > 144x96+$[pointer.x]+$[pointer.y]. Size alone is honored, size+position
> > is honored if the position is a fixed specification, but the
> > pointer-position specification does not work. What is the first fvwm2
> > version in which the $[pointer.x] notation should be valid? I'm running
> > 2.4.16 at present.
> 2.5.1, you may read NEWS file on the web to get such info.

I have just downloaded and installed 2.5.10, and it's now working. I
have a visually-reasonabl;e static offset set up as follows:

DestroyFunc SendWindowToPage
AddToFunc SendWindowToPage
+ I SetEnv LAST_WIN_ID $[]
+ I . FvwmButtons -g 144x96+%{ $[pointer.x]-34
}%+%{ $[pointer.y]-24 }% -transient GridButtons

However, I'd LIKE to be able to make the button panel position itself
such that the pointer is on the button corresponding to the current
page. To do that, however, I need to retrieve the current page. I know
I can retrieve the current *desk* thropugh the variable desk.n, so I
guessed page.n but found my guess was wrong.

Is there such a variable, and if so, what is it? Where can I find
documentation of all the available variables?

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