FVWM: Window decoration question

From: Greg Bognar <bognar_at_christal.elte.hu>
Date: Tue, 4 May 2004 05:23:44 +0200 (CEST)

For fvwm2-2.2.5-4, the following simple setup in my .fvwm2rc

AddToDecor default
+ ButtonStyle All ActiveUp (-- flat) Inactive (-- flat)
+ ButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon -- flat
+ ButtonStyle 2 Pixmap close.xpm -- flat
+ ButtonStyle 4 Pixmap iconize.xpm -- flat
+ Buttonstyle 6 Pixmap up.xpm -- flat
+ TitleStyle LeftJustified height 20 -- flat
+ BorderStyle -- HiddenHandles NoInset

gave a look where the titlebar and the buttons were all flattened and there
was no any sort of relief or border between the titlebar, buttons, the
frame and the sidebars. However, there was a pronounced relief between the
sidebars/titlebar/frames and the application within the window.

Some time ago, I switched to fvwm-2.4.15, and the same setup gives me a
look where everything is flattened, there's no relief on the outer and
inner sides of the sidebars/frames, etc. It looks really ugly. I removed
"NoInset" so there is a relief between the sidebars/frames and the
application within the window, but now the titlebar and the buttons all
look "sunk". Basically, I would like to keep them flat, but not have any
sort of relief between them and the upper sidebar/frames. I have the
feeling that this must be really simple to do. But how?

Also, somebody mentioned "NoCurrentDeskTitle" removes the Desk name from
WindowList. Is that new? It does not work with 2.4.15.


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Received on Tue May 04 2004 - 00:46:12 BST

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