FVWM: questions

From: <ada_ada_at_tiscali.it>
Date: Sun, 25 Apr 2004 12:47:09 +0200


i have some questions to do :

1) how is called the image file of the startup button ? where is it defined

2) i want to use a logo at the left of the start menu voices,any idea about
where to define it ?

3) how can I change the fonts of the menu voices ?

4) in this website --> http://www.igs.net/~tril/fvwm/configs/fvwm2rc has
been found a way to add the icons on the desktop using a wizard written
in perl. im trying to do the same,but i can't find the file called fvwm2rc
on my system,why ? where is it ? im running fvwm 2.5.8 with the redmond
theme got from the ports of freebsd 5.2.1.

lemme know,thanks

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