FVWM: NoIconTitle -> Windows placed above

From: honschu <chris_honschu_at_gmx.de>
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 2004 22:35:26 +0200


three days ago I began useing fvwm2. It's amazing, the best and most horrible
windowmanager I've ever seen - I was falling in love these days. Fvwm really
rocks, thanks!!!

To AutoReplace the windows to fit correct onto the screen, I use this two
functions - which are working really great:

AddToFunc DeiconifyAndRearrange
 + C Iconify off
 + C All (CurrentPage Iconic) RecaptureWindow
# + C PlaceAgain Anim
 + C All (CurrentPage !Iconic !Sticky !NoTitle) PlaceAgain Anim

AddToFunc IconifyAndRearrange
 + C Iconify on
 + C All (CurrentPage !Iconic !Sticky !NoTitle) PlaceAgain Anim

Mouse 1 3 A IconifyAndRearrange #Iconify toggle
Mouse 1 I A DeiconifyAndRearrange

When the Windows are replaced by PlaceAgain, it doesn't put them over the
Sticky stuff like Pager and Icons for example. It would be nice to define
that, for example it would be great if 'PlaceAgain' could be allowed to put
windows above e.g. MiniBarButtons (MiniBarButtons are Style StayOnTop) - so
it wouldn't heart at all. Is something likt this possible?

The other question, when I now use:

Style * NoIconTitle

All the Icons which are beautiful arranged at the left side were overpainted
by other windows.
This Fvwm 2.4.18 puts now the Windows over these Icons. :-(

Howto solve this?

Is it possible to define a 'Stay Out OF This Geometry' ? that would help a

Thanks for your answers
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Received on Thu Apr 01 2004 - 14:27:53 BST

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