FVWM: Re: Conditionally adding menu items

From: Michelle Konzack <linux4michelle_at_freenet.de>
Date: Fri, 26 Mar 2004 23:12:21 +0100

Am 2004-03-26 13:59:29, schrieb F. Kater:

>That's great but I am running gentoo. I wonder however why this would
>work only on Debian? Could you explain what Debian does to provide its
>menus so easily and how this tecnique is integrated into fvwm?

In the most Packages is a file which define it...

The files are stored in /usr/lib/menu

Then after each installation of a package which provides
a menu file the installationsprogram run 'update-menus'.


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Received on Sat Mar 27 2004 - 13:11:01 GMT

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