FVWM: Re: dynamic visuals

From: Elliot Sowadsky <elliot_at_lsil.Com>
Date: Mon, 22 Mar 2004 10:40:12 -0800 (PST)

I think you are referring to the colormap flashing you see on
8 bit displays. That comes from the application using a private
colormap. I think the word "private" is key. I don't know that fvwm
can use it. If it did attempt to use it, I don't know that fvwm could
allocate any colors in it. If fvwm attempted to use the colors already
allcocated in the colormap, I don't think fvwm could expect those colors
to stay constant.

If i start fvwm as truecolor, i dont get flashing against (the evil
color-hungry) apps i start as truecolor. But most apps i cant run truecolor,
so i'd want to keep pseudocolor for those (running on a different desk
than the truecolor apps).
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